The Day Of The Crows2012
Animation movie
Far away, in the heart of a great forest, magic exists. It is a place many mystical creatures and spirits call home. Among them, a father and a son have found their peace, far away from the human kind. Courage, a ten year old boy was taught never to leave the forest. However, one day, when his father got severely injured, the boy was forced to seek help outside of his home. He went to the near by village, inhabited with ordinary people, where he met Manon, the doctor's daughter, who agreed to help. Ignorant about the ways of men, Courage will take part in a journey of discovering the world of humans, where ghosts do not exist.
Just A Beginning2010
Celebrity documentary
At the Jacques-Prévert school in France. During their first year of kindergarten at the Jacques-Prévert school, Azouaou, Abderhamène, Louise, Shana, Kyria and Yanis, all aged 3 to 4, participated with their teacher in an experimental workshop with a philosophical aim. Several times a month, the young students have learned to reflect on subjects usually addressed in the final year of high school: love, freedom, authority, difference, intelligence...
The PIM (Parenthood Instruction Manual)2017
Comedy series
To raise their three children aged 8 to 16 years old, Isa and Gaby do their best. They try to control the daily problems with tenderness, although sometimes they fail.
Santa Claus2014
Comedy movie
Every year Antoine (6) sends his gift list to Santa Claus. This year is not an exception. But his wishes have changed: this year he wants Santa to take him on his sleigh all the way to the stars, where he believes his deceased father to be. So when Santa, a burglar in disguise, magically falls on his balcony, Antoine is exhilarated that his wishes may actually come true. Despite Santa's best efforts to get rid of determined Antoine, the two of them form an unlikely duo.